Moroni City Police Department
80 South 200 West
Moroni UT 84646
Phone Numbers:
Emergency: 911
Call Sanpete County Dispatch for all non-emergency issues or concerns: 435-835-2345
Poison Control: 800-465-7707
Animal Control
Brennen Russell ~ Sanpete County non-emergency dispatch 435-835-2345
This community strongly supports Leash and License Laws
General Information
All dogs are required to have a current rabies vaccination. Proof of current vaccination is required at the time license is applied for and shall be good for the whole license period.
All dogs are required to have a current Moroni City license within thirty days after the dog reaches the age of six months.
Spayed or neutered dogs and cats: $10.00 per year
Unaltered dogs and cats: $25.00 per year
Note: It is the pet owner’s responsibility to bring in proof their animal has been altered to receive the discounted price.
Kennel Permit: $250.00 (3 or more dogs)
Dogs Running at Large
It shall be unlawful for any dog to be at large at any time within the corporate limits of the city. The owner or custodian of any dog which is at large without restraint shall be in violation of this section, regardless of the precautions taken to prevent the escape of the dog and regardless of lack of knowledge of the offense at the time it occurs.
Moroni City Fire Department
Fire Chief Rex Christensen
Scheduled Meetings: Every Tuesday at 7:30 PM
Burn Permit
Inside City Limits: Please contact Moroni City at 435-436-8359.
Outside City Limits: You must complete an application in order to obtain a burn permit from the county fire warden. See contact information below.
County Fire Warden: Thomas Peterson
Phone: 435-835-2117
Cell: 435-668-2068
North Sanpete Ambulance Service

North Sanpete Ambulance has three ambulances and operates at the Intermediate level 2.