
  • Lost Personal Property

    Lost personal property has been turned in to Moroni City Hall. If you can identify the manner in which the property was packaged and a detailed description of the property,…

  • New Records Room

    The City Recorder and cemetery staff are always especially busy in the weeks leading up to Memorial Day, but this year they have been working on a very special project.…

  • Memorial Day 2016

    Moroni’sĀ American Legion post honors those veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice each Memorial Day with a flag ceremony held at the cemetery’s Veterans Memorial. We appreciate the Honor Guard for…

  • Notice to Bid: Upcoming Road Project

    Moroni City has an upcoming road project consisting of crack seal, seal coat and slurry seal. If you are interested in submitting a bid please contact Moroni City Hall, Monday…

  • All Star Tryouts

    All Star tryouts for Boys 8U will be Tuesday, May 17th at 7:00 PM in Mt. Pleasant at the High School’s new ball field.