Lost Personal Property
Lost personal property has been turned in to Moroni City Hall. If you can identify the manner in which the property was packaged and a detailed description of the property,…
New Records Room
The City Recorder and cemetery staff are always especially busy in the weeks leading up to Memorial Day, but this year they have been working on a very special project.…
Memorial Day 2016
Moroni’sĀ American Legion post honors those veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice each Memorial Day with a flag ceremony held at the cemetery’s Veterans Memorial. We appreciate the Honor Guard for…
Notice to Bid: Upcoming Road Project
Moroni City has an upcoming road project consisting of crack seal, seal coat and slurry seal. If you are interested in submitting a bid please contact Moroni City Hall, Monday…
All Star Tryouts
All Star tryouts for Boys 8U will be Tuesday, May 17th at 7:00 PM in Mt. Pleasant at the High School’s new ball field.