
  • Children’s Justice Center Donations

    The Snow College Business Club is collecting donations for the Sanpete County Children’s Justice Center during the month of October. Drop off boxes and donation jars are available here at…

  • Update on road work on State Road 132 from UDOT

    As many citizens are aware, lane leveling on State Road 132 began over the weekend between Moroni and Fountain Green. Once the lane leveling is complete, UDOT will begin milling…

  • Upcoming Election Information

    With the upcoming election only a month away, there are some important  dates you should be aware of.  As always, you can check your voter registration status on For…

  • Change in Watering Schedule

    As the irrigation season nears its end, it has become necessary to decrease water days in Moroni: WEST SIDE of Center Street: water on Mondays and Fridays ONLY. EAST SIDE…

  • Soccer Tournament Schedules available now

    2016 Youth Soccer Tournament Schedules can now  be found on the City Recreation Soccer webpage.