Notice is hereby given that the Moroni City Council approved the 2019-2020 budget on Thursday, June 20, 2019 as Resolution 2019-6-20B
The 2019-2020 budget contains transfers from the water fund to the General fund of $25,000.00. The transfer represents 12.35% of the enterprise fund expenditures. Administrative and overhead cost allocated were $63,300.00.
The cost accounting breakdown for the Specific Enterprise fund is as follows:
Administrative and overhead costs allocated:
Wages $ 27,500.00 514011
Benefits 16,000.00 514013
Accounting & auditing services 12,800.00 514031
Telephone 1,000.00 514029
Building lease 6,000.00 514048
Other non-associated costs:
Transfer to General Fund $ 25,000.00 12.35%
Dated this 25 of July 2019
/c/Carol Haskins
Moroni City Recorder